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Can Break / Can Place On

The Adventure Mode block interact filters specifies:

  • which block(s) a tool can be used to harvest
  • which block(s) a block may be placed on or against
  • which block(s) a certain item (such as flint and steel) may be used against


A block interact filter is an object consisting of the following properties.

Name Value Description
Predicates BlockReferenceCollection One or more blocks to specify
ShowInTooltip Boolean If true, specified blocks are shown in item tooltip; defaults to true

Can Break

Name Value
ID minecraft:can_break
Type Block Interact Filter
First introduced in 1.20.5 (21w09a)
Implementation Full Support

The minecraft:can_break component specifies which block(s) a tool can be used to harvest.

Can Place On

Name Value
ID minecraft:can_place_on
Type Block Interact Filter
First introduced in 1.20.5 (21w09a)
Implementation Full Support

The minecraft:can_place_on component specifies:

  • which block(s) a block may be placed on or against
  • which block(s) a certain item (such as flint and steel) may be used against